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    Why sell at a Public Auction?

    Price – First and foremost because of the price. When an item is up for auction at a large and well-known auction house, you can be sure that all serious collectors will see it. Instead of contacting a few individual traders and negotiating with a number of different people who will try to lower the price, at auction the item will be exposed to thousands of serious collectors in Israel and thousands of collectors and traders around the world. Instead of traders managing a negotiation to lower the price, at an auction the price only goes up until we reach the last bidder- the one who offers the highest bid.

    When turning to dealers, they will try to buy the item at an attractive price, that allows them to make a profit. But at auction, the vast majority of bidders are private collectors who are willing to pay much more than a dealer. If you have a piece of jewelry, traders will be willing to pay more or less the price of gold, but when an item goes up for auction, 10 or 20 different bidders who want it for themselves can also bid on it, and are willing to up the price, without commercial logic. This is especially evident in special and rare items. If you have a rare collectible item, it could be a difficult, even an impossible task, to find that one buyer who would agree to pay a decent price. But when the item is put up for auction, the same contestant knows that he has a one-time opportunity to get his hands on the item, otherwise it will be sold to another collector and disappear from the market for many years. Like him, another collector, or ten collectors, can compete, thus each one continues to rise the price, and sometimes the final price is completely detached from initial estimates (see a limited number of examples from recent years). Auction is an instinctive, dynamic, competitive process, sometimes driven by ego, and when the price climbs, the main winner is of course the seller of the item.

    Transparency – Auctions allow for a fair and clean process. If you sell the item through a dealer or broker in a private transaction, you will never know if you received 90% of the sale value, 50% of the sale value or even 20% of the sale value. Private market transactions are not reported, but auctions are the most fair and exposed processes. The auction house and the seller sign the terms of the sale, in which the auction house charges a sales commission, but almost the entire sale value is transferred to the seller. If a dealer or broker tries to lower the price, the auction house is actually on the seller’s side since the auction house charges a commission, and has an interest in the item being sold at the highest possible price. Sellers can attend the sales themselves or watch them live online, so sellers can know they are getting full value form the item and form the process.

    Speed – When a seller has to try to reach the right collector who will agree to pay the right price, it is a long and tedious process that can take many years. Only an auction allows a quick sale within a few weeks and all this, without compromising the price.

    Specialization in an array of Fields – When selling a wide array of items such as paintings, silverware, jewelry, watches, rugs, sculptures, antiques and more, as in the case of selling estates – the auction house serves as a one stop shop for all your items. Instead of going to a large number of merchants and collectors in different and varied fields, auction houses have them all under one roof. The auction house has a number of different experts in different fields and they are well acquainted with the various items in their field of specialization. Department managers will be able to give a price estimation based on the market situation in recent years, but as stated above the price can also rise beyond estimations.

    Expertise – The auction house’s experts inspect thousands of items a year. They know what to look for, what is rare and sought after, and most of all they know how to identify the treasures that no one else will be able to identify. If you are not so sure what you have on hand, you may sell a sought-after and rare item cheaply, but the auction house’s experts will know how to identify the quality items and evaluate them correctly.

    Timing – Timing a sale is everything. Sometimes there are artists who are on the rise and other areas are in decline. The auction house experts are very knowledgeable about the market situation and can help sellers make informed decisions; what items to sell now and with what items it is preferred to wait.

    An ideal mechanism for selling collections, inheritances and estates – Especially when it comes to a collection of a company, receivers, inheritances or estates, one wholesome authority is needed to manage the sale of the items in a transparent and decent manner, allow fair and equal dealing with different bidders, and regulate the distribution of proceeds between sellers / heirs.

    Yosl Bergner
    Bella, Oil on canvas, 60X73 cm. Signed.…

    Estimated price:

    $12,000 - $18,000

    Sold for:


    Lea Nikel
    Eros, 1956, Oil on canvas, 88X115 cm.…

    Estimated price:

    $25,000 - $35,000

    Sold for:


    Tsibi Geva
    From the Tiles Series, Oil and collage…

    Estimated price:

    $14,000 - $18,000

    Sold for:


    butterfly pattern, set with diamonds, rubies, emeralds…

    Estimated price:

    $500 - $800

    Sold for:


    Estimated price:

    $300 - $400

    Sold for:


    In the form of a Bumblebee, set…

    Estimated price:

    $1,800 - $2,200

    Sold for:


    Set with onyx stones and diamonds. Central…

    Estimated price:

    $1,800 - $2,200

    Sold for:


    Phone: 09-9509893
    Fax: 09-9509895
    Email: info@tiroche.co.il
    Address: 35 Khavatselet Ha-Sharon st' (Kikar de Shalit), Hertzelia Pituach 4664130, Israel
    Opening Hours: Sunday - Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
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