מכירה: Helmets for Heroes - Tal Aviv Sale תאריך המכירה: 27.06.2024 Item: 15

ירום רנן

מגן דויד

Yoram Raanan, graduated from the University of Arts, Philadelphia (BFA 1975). He traveled and studied independently throughout Europe and the Near East. In 1976 he settled in Israel and opening his first studio in the Bukharim Quarter in Jerusalem. Since 1994, he has been creating art on his farm in the Judean hills of the Jerusalem Corridor. He is married and has 4 children and grandchildren. Raanan’s paintings are a modern expression of Jewish collective consciousness. Characterized by intuition and imagination, there is a strong sense of light, color and spirituality. He is inspired by the Bible, nature and the Land of Israel. “The sensation of creating is a dynamic and exciting process, and it feels especially good because I can share it with others. They can see what I have done and enjoy a vicarious experience.” Raanan has held solo exhibitions in many galleries around Israel and the US. Helmet Explanation: (MAGEN DAVID) Shield of David, classic. ancient jewish protection. painted with iridescent gold and interference colors. multitudes of stars symbolising the quantity of the jewish people numerous as the stars as heaven promised by God to abraham. King David had the Menorah emblazoned on his shield (with the words of Psalm 67), and this was the famous magen David, “shield of David”.

הערכת מחיר: $3,000 - $5,000

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