מכירה: Helmets for Heroes - Tal Aviv Sale תאריך המכירה: 27.06.2024 Item: 14

נטשה בריליאנטובה

מדבר של שיר ערש

Born 1973 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Since 1996 freelance artist. Currently lives and works in Tel-Aviv, Israel. Helmet Explanation: It is dedicated to all the women that was killed or kidnapped on October 7th, to all the babies killed and kidnapped, and most of all to all the unborn children who could bring joy to families and lead interesting lives full of discovery, knowledge, creativity and love. The lullabies will never be sung by those murdered women to their babies, those killed and unborn babies will never hear their mothers singing. The name of the work “Desert Lullaby” because only the wind of the Negev Desert can sing these songs to all of them, every night since October 7th.

הערכת מחיר: $4,000 - $6,000

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