מכירה: Helmets for Heroes - Tal Aviv Sale תאריך המכירה: 27.06.2024 Item: 16

ירום רנן

תפילין של ראש

Helmet Explanation: (TEFILIN SHEL ROSH) The army helmet was painted black as are the tefillin that we bind to our bodies. the 3 and 4 legged shin is painted with a white, iridescent pearl. The inspiration for this reflects the idea that at present, the sefer torah we have had for thousands of years until today, is black ink on white parchment and considered as black fire written on white fire. On top of the helmet painted is the kipat shamayim, the dome of heaven, symbolizing our divine protection. The 3 thin blue lines running from front to back inform us ofthe four sections (related to the 4 legged shin )that make up the tefillin shel rosh, and forma 3 legged shin of their own.

הערכת מחיר: $3,000 - $5,000

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